JFS Donations
Your donations make it possible for Jewish Family Service to meet the essential needs of our community. Many of the children, families and older adults we serve would not have access to our programs if not for the generous, tax deductible contributions of our donors.
Thank you for helping us make a difference.
Whether you donate online, by mail, or by phone, every dollar you give allows us to continue our programs now and far into the future.
Our three annual campaigns provide the backbone to the programs and services we provide year-round.
Everything you need to know about making a donation of stock to JFS.
Leave a legacy in your name or the names of those you love.
Did you know that JFS accepts donations of used cars? Find out how.
Beautiful cards to honor, remember or recognize those you love.
Help us keep our shelves stocked with canned goods and personal care items.
We are grateful for the many local companies who support us.