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In Their Own Words


Everyone at JFS can tell you what we do.  But what better way to understand the impact our work has on people’s lives than to hear it directly from them? 


“The Greatest Bunch Of People I Ever Met.”


Morris, a gentle, soft -spoken senior, lived with his mother and her friend.  He took good care of his mother, who was in poor health. But when his mother died, followed shortly thereafter by her friend, Morris was alone.  His neighbors provided him with friendship and companionship, making him feel like part of a family again.


Then Morris started getting bills for things he didn’t buy.  And they kept coming, thousands of dollars in charges.  Morris’ “friends” had stolen his identity.  He was devastated and fell into a deep depression.  Bill collectors were harassing him and he had nowhere to turn.  His sister called the Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging, who referred him to JFS.  We became his Power of Attorney, working with the Harrisburg police to bring the “friends” to justice and negotiating with his creditors to eliminate much of his debt.


Today, Morris is happy and debt-free, and he considers JFS his family.  “I don’t think they’ve helped anybody as much as they helped me.  They might have, but G-d knows, I appreciated it.”

“They Supported Us The Entire Way.”


When Jennifer and Michael were frustrated by their efforts to have a child, they turned to AdoptionLinks, the adoption and foster care program of JFS.  As Jennifer explains, “JFS immediately came to mind, because we knew about the adoption department and the great reputation that it had.”


AdoptionLinks worked with Jennifer and Michael to explain all their options, helped them get certified as foster parents and provided training and emotional support.  “We started a support group before we were even matched with our son,” says Jennifer.  “We could meet other adoptive families and learn about their experiences so that we could become better parents and make a good decision.”


Once they became foster parents, Jennifer and Michael were matched with Ned, a young teen who had lived in several different homes over his short life.  He moved into their home and less than a year later became their adoptive son.  All through the process, AdoptionLinks was there to give them guidance, which continues to this day.  They are a happy family, and Jennifer and Michael give Ned the stability and love he needs.  “I finally don’t have to move around,” says Ned.

JFS is grateful to all our clients who agreed to share their stories.


3333 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 


T: 717-233-1681

F: 717-234-8258


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